Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What do stay at home moms DO all day??

Ah, the age old and condescending question from working parents who assume staying at home with the offspring is a life full of bon bons and Dr. Phil.

You get up, make breakfast, serve breakfast.  Frequently, you make a second breakfast after the first is rejected or spilled.  You wash the dishes and clean up the mess they made eating breakfast.  Then you clean up the mess the little darlings made with toys/toilet paper/cat droppings while you were cleaning up the mess they made eating breakfast.

And then it's time for lunch.

Somewhere in this repetitive cycle you try to find time for books and projects for intellectual enrichment.  This inevitably leads to the next cycle of cleaning up the mess they made while you were cleaning up the mess they made doing a project.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Yay I have a blog!

Now if I can remember to post to it.  I have a theory that a little bit of your brain gets sucked out with the placenta each time.